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zombie baby tattoo by dave wah
Dave's zombie baby head in a jar tattoo

Soooooo... Where to begin? Dave is the piercer at our shop and one of the most unique people I've ever met. He has built himself a collection of some really nice tattoos from various artists, and I'm fortunate he let me do this one for him. It all started with the idea of doing a day of the dead tattoo, but having it be a day of the dead baby with the dia de muertos make up. Then it shifted to doing a zombie baby, possibly with the baby ripping out of his stomach. Then one night I was watching The Walking Dead, and in one of the episodes the governor is shown with a room full of zombie heads in fish tanks. That gave me the idea of doing a zombie baby head in a jar. While drawing it out I was contemplating on what to do for the hair, if I should make the baby bald, or possibly expose the brain. Then it hit me... Dave has his entire head tattoo by Uncle Pauly (, how cool would it be to put his own head tattoo on the head of the baby? This is the result of a ridiculous amount of random planning and ideas being tossed around. One of my favorites for sure.